Indoors 2005 - Juniors report

This year I have already managed to achieve one of my ambitions, to compete in an indoor windsurfing event, all this at 12 years old. After a sleepless Friday night, I awoke to be given the news that part of the pools roof had been blown off in the strong winds, and the pool area was closed off. The prospect of not being able to get on the water left me and the other juniors a little disappointed,but nothing could be done and we were updated regularly by Trevor and his crew. It wasn't all bad though as Guy Cribb gave us a coaching session on dry land which was helpful even though we all did look a bit silly.

After the disappointment of Saturday, Sunday looked promising. A briefing at 9.00 followed by an on the water session at 9.30. All looked good Richard Jones was on the ramp but there was something missing (not the roof it had been repaired) the wind, Problems with the generators meant the fans couldn't be switched on.
2.30pm we were back at the pool again generators working, fans on, I'm on the ramp, nod of the head I'm in the pool without the board., perhaps this isn't going to be as easy as I thought. Luckily for me I wasn't he only one who didn't make it down during practise. Our Competition was scheduled for 5.00pm, by 4.15 we were all pumped up and ready to go. The atmosphere was brilliant ( I was Nick Baker) Hot favourite was Richard Jones AKA Farm Boy who had the honour of being 1st down the ramp. I made it down the ramp on both of my runs but made the mistake of bearing away and hitting a windless zone, this put me out of the running of a place in the quarter finals, but I didn't care just being there was made me feel like a winner. One of the highlights for me was watching James Simpson in the semi finals who's style was a mix between Skye Boy and an Olympic Swimmer, its a style that worked as he just pipped Daniel Simpson to a place in the final, where he was runner up to Graham Woods. Would I do it again next year? what a silly question, of course I would!

I must say a big thank you to Trevor Funnell and the crew who gave us all the opportunity to compete and the Pro's for all there advice.
Liam Round GBR 948